Thursday, January 26, 2006

How to Meet People Where You Live

A friend of mine asked me today how to find a good organization to get involved in. I wrote a long e-mail and then I thought: what if others could use this advice. So here is some information: take it or leave it or (please) comment with your own suggestions!

Dear Friend:
You ask an interesting question. I would suggest this site for finding common interest groups:

You might also try taking classes (like cooking, for instance, not classroom classes) and then just make a point of meeting people while there. Many cities have "newcomers to New York" meet and greet. I don't know exactly where you can find that, but I have a friend who attended one, so I could find out if you like.

Also, if knitting or crocheting classes interest you, I would suggest Knit NY. It's a super-cute shop with gorgeous (read: expensive) yarn. They have beginner and intermediate classes. They're a tad expensive, but could be a way to meet people of all ages at least while the class is going on. Then you could join a group more easily too! (I've thought about starting a knitting group, but I haven't figured out if/when/how. I don't want to trek out twice a month to have no one show up.)

You could also volunteer or mentor. Volunteer Match is a great site for finding stuff like that. I volunteer at a hospice, which means I meet elderly people, but there are ways I could volunteer there and meet more people (like go into the office to stuff envelopes or help out with other things), but I just don't do it.

Hmmm... that's what's coming to mind for things to do/ways to meet people. I've provided links where I could. I also am a member of a couple professional groups, but that doesn't help you. : )

Readers (all 0.5 of you): what are your thoughts?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good suggestions, Em! Getting involved in things you really like is definitely the best way to meet people.

I'm a fan of volunteering at trade organizations, achieving both business advancement for free and meeting fun professionals that you have at least 1 thing in common with (your profession).

I have a friend who has attended a few meetup events and had a good time. I think Chris did something like that as well and has made a couple lasting (read 6 months and counting) friends out of that.