Thursday, July 21, 2005

When Writers Try Too Hard

From Yahoo News:

“If your grandmother claims she’s squirreled away every issue of Reader’s Digest, there will soon be an easy way to check: just go up to the attic and count to 1,000.

The 1,000th issue of the 83-year-old minimagazine comes out this week, and the occasion is likely to prompt thoughts about the Digest’s colorful history and its status as an American symbol.”

Oh, that’s considered the “easy” way? What tha…

And please tell me it promted thoughts about the magazine’s status as an American symbol. Who? What? We couldn’t find a better symbol than pithy softball summaries of other magazine’s journalism? Argh!!

p.s. I quit my job this week. Got a new one. New title: junior IA. Begone you tedious freelance assignments. Out, out, damn spot!


wallowmuddy said...

The main character in the novel I'm writing quotes Shakespeare, too. And T.S. Eliot. I've always loved the Waste Land.

Anonymous said...

Reader's Digest is totally an American Symbol! Easy reading that belongs on the back of the toilet. There's a lot of emotional connection there!