Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Bad Girl! Bad Girl!

I have been properly chastised for my temporary abandonment of the blogging world. So it’s back on the bandwagon (a term, I’m sure you’re all dying to know, that comes from the wagons political candidates once rode through town on, which people would climb onto if they supported him).

First item of business: some mathematicians have concluded it’s good to give gifts to potential mates, particularly ones that are extravagant (hint, hint). I swear I’m not making this up!

The research suggests that expensive gifts that can be turned in for money aren’t worth as much as something extravagant that can’t be returned (i.e., Broadway tickets to the Odd Couple or brunch at Jane).

I, for one, would prefer $20 in Gouda cheese (droooool) to an extravagant carriage ride, but maybe that’s just me.


Anonymous said...

That is more like it! The masses thank you.

Anonymous said...

I had to include this from that gift article you found, it is so funny and applicable to humans!

"If women are complaining about how men are in relationships, they should think about the hanging fly," Kruger says. The male hanging fly gives the female a gift - a large dead insect - only to take it back after mating to be used in his next encounter."