Thursday, May 26, 2005

new blog

I’ve started a new blog. I’ve been enjoying this one so much, that I’ve launched another. The second one, called Flinked Books, is themed and just about books. It’s a precursor to a Web site I hope to create over the coming year for book lovers. I’m not lifting the veil on that idea yet. For now, feel free to check out my other blog sometime. That one may be fledgling for a while, since this one will still be my focus. I’m working on building up the word “flinked” as a book-related brand. Hence the second blog. Anyway, it’s all smoke and mirrors until I get a chance to launch the real site:, which I own but is currently a pile of dirt until I get my shovel out and start building. (Can you be Web ADHD? I think I might be…)

Wish me luck!


Anonymous said...

Em, that's so exciting! I can only imagine when you were up until last night, but you're passionate about this so perhaps need less sleep? Or can sleep on the plane ride today...

That book on Post Pardom depression sounds interesting, definitely useful for pregnant moms.

Do you want Flinked to have a specific meaning (I have to know if I'm to use it in a sentence), or just be a reference area? Please tell the masses how to help you spread the word. Literally.

wallowmuddy said...

I'm not ready to spill everything yet because I don't want my idea stolen, but think Friendster for Booklovers.

Anonymous said...


I've also got a cool idea for the domain name It's funny, I googled the name and this blog came up. Any chance you'll sell it? My idea isn't remotely close to your idea for book lovers. Let me know if $500.00 would work for you? That's pretty much my budget for a domain.


Ken Eynon
714-692-5044 ext. 276

Anonymous said...

or call my cell at 9518082849